Saturday, January 26, 2013

Every Cloud

If there is a cast ensemble that should be a shoe-in to win the Screen Actor's Guild Award tomorrow night it is the cast of The Silver Linings Playbook. Breathtaking acting.  Bradley Cooper is a fabulouos surprise, acting through his eyes (and what  baby blues they are!); De Niro like we haven't seen since...Casino?; Weaver amazing as the loving, suffering mother and wife of men battling their disorders, her character a 360 degree from Janine 'Smurf' Cody, the mother in Animal Kingdom, showing what tremendous range she has; Jennifer Lawrence great (still more amazing in Winter's Bone though); even Chris Tucker, John Ortiz... all mesmerizing to watch.
The highlight scene?: with Led Zeppelin's What is and What Should Never Be blaring in the background, Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper and Jacki Weaver act out a family drama scene in which  all the pain and tragedy of a mental health breakdown is portrayed with such realism, that the character's anxiety almost becomes our own. It's violence like what people really live, not Hollywood style. The type that leaves the real, long-lasting wounds. David O. Russell knows what he's showing.

The ending may be a little too movie classic, borderline sappy, but overall necessary. In life we all need a little of that hope; we need to know that even those who suffer things like bi-polar disorder will find love, stability, peace of mind and a second or third chance. That every cloud has its silver lining.


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